An historic frame, designated HET5, has surfaced: the second of five frames raced in the Tour of Britian in 1952 known to be extant (the other is HET3). We know the 1952 ToB riders' names. They were: Bill Bellamy, team no. 58; Tony Smith, team no. 59; Dave Robinson, no. 60--pictured in flight below; Tony Phillips, no. 61--also pictured below; and Sid Aldridge, no. 62. Alas, we do not know which rider rode HET3 or HET5. All five frames are noted in the ledgers bearing unusual frame numbers, but only HET2 was listed as having been sold (years later, in 1960). The whereabouts of the frames long remained a mystery. HET5, was renovated by Hetchins in Southend in the 1980s, where it acquired a mech hanger, an 'H' emblem on the head tube, and deep red paint.
The current owner has kitted the frame with a mix of Campag NR and SR, including a Rally long-cage mech, Cinelli bar and stem, Brooks Professional saddle.
Photos courtesy of the owner.