A frame has turned up with Nervex lugs, accurate/inaccurate curly stays, and a valid frame number. It changed hands at ebay in 2024. Forensic analysis below.

1. Although the frame number is a valid Hetchins number from 1958, the frame in the photos does not match the ledger entry.

2. The dropout is anachronistic for a 1958 frame. A 1958 Campag dropout would have had longer slots and a positioning hole for the spring in the mechs available at that time.

3. The font on the dropout does not match the font used in Hetchin's workshop. The digits on the Nervex frame have no serifs, whereas Hetchin's stamps had serifs. Note that the top of the "3" on the Nervex dropout is rounded, whereas the genuine Hetchins "3" has a flat top. The "1", "2", and "7" are also markedly different.

4. The top eyes on a late 1950s Hetchins looked different to the italianate seat cluster treatment on the Nervex frame. Denny started making the italianate style seat cluster in the 1970s.

5. The fork crown on the Nervex frame is wrong for a Hetchins.

6. The brake bridge on the Nervex frame is wrong for a Hetchins. Denny used two formats at that time, neither of which matches the Nervex frame. The little bridge between the ch.stays and behind the bb shell is also anachronistic for a late 1950s frame.

Below are photos with the anomalous bits marked in magenta, as well as photos of genuine Hetchins with nearby frame numbers for comparison.

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Now, here's what's wrong with it ... (mouse-over for captions).

The first tip off is that the ledger entry specs do not match the frame. The ledger indicates the model to be "ECP" = Experto Crede with pressed lugs, whereas the frame has Nervex lugs. The ledger further specifies straight stays ("O" = orthodox), whereas the frame has curly stays.

Above: the font on the green dropout is wrong (sans serif), whereas genuine Hetchins stamps at that time had serifs.
Moreover, the dropout is anachronistic (too new).

Correct and incorrect double-plate crowns.

Correct and incorrect late 1950s brake bridges.

Correct and incorrect top eyes and binder bolt bosses for late 1950s.

Correct and incorrect bridges behind the bb shell for 1950s.

It is disquieting that a valid frame number appears on this one. Maybe it was just a lucky coincidence, or maybe the frame builder happened to know of a genuine Hetchins number and duplicated it or took its format as a template. This is a fake, revealed by anomalies noted above.

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